Physics Resonance: Problem set 31 -->


Friday 25 November 2016

Problem set 31

  1. The two dimensional lattice of graphene is an arrangement of Carbon atoms forming a honeycomb lattice of lattice spacing $a$, as shown below. The Carbon atoms occupy the vertices.
    1. The Wigner-Seitz cell has an area of
      1. $2a^2$
      2. $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a^2$
      3. $6\sqrt{3}a^2$
      4. $\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}a^2$
    2. The Bravais lattice for this array is a
      1. rectangular lattice with basis vectors $\vec d_1$ and $\vec d_2$
      2. rectangular lattice with basis vectors $\vec c_1$ and $\vec c_2$
      3. hexagonal lattice with basis vectors $\vec a_1$ and $\vec a_2$
      4. hexagonal lattice with basis vectors $\vec b_1$ and $\vec b_2$
  2. A narrow beam of X-rays with wavelength $1.5 A^\circ$ is reflected from an ionic crystal with an fcc lattice structure with a density of $3.32 gm cm^{-3}$. The molecular weight is $108 AMU$ (1 AMU $= 1.66 \times10^{-24} g$).
    1. The lattice constant is
      1. $6.00A^\circ$
      2. $4.56A^\circ$
      3. $4.00A^\circ$
      4. $2.56A^\circ$
    2. The sine of the angle corresponding to $(111)$
      1. $\sqrt{3}/4$
      2. $\sqrt{3}/8$
      3. $1/4$
      4. $1/8$
  3. If an electron is in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, the probability that its distance from the proton is more than one Bohr radius is approximately
    1. 0.68
    2. 0.48
    3. 0.28
    4. 0.91


  1. Thank you Sir. Very Helpful. Will suggest my students to refer. Thank you again.

  2. If ρ in gm/cm3
    then we should use Avogadro No. =6.023x10^23
