Physics Resonance: Problem set 29 -->


Monday 21 November 2016

Problem set 29

  1. Let $\psi_{nlm}$ denote the eigenstates of a hydrogen atom in the usual notation. The state $\frac{1}{5}\left[2\psi_{200}-3\psi_{211}+\sqrt{7}\psi_{210}-\sqrt{5}\psi_{21-1}\right]$ is an eigenstate of
    1. $L^2$ but not of the Hamiltonian or $L_z$
    2. the Hamiltonian, but not of $L^2$ or $L_z$
    3. the Hamiltonian, $L^2$ and $L_z$
    4. $L^2$ and $L_z$, but not of the Hamiltonian
  2. The Hamiltonian for a spin-$1/2$ particle at rest is given by $H=E_0(\sigma_z+\alpha\sigma_x)$, where $\sigma_x$ and $\sigma_z$ are Pauli spin matrices and $E_0$ and $\alpha$ are constants. The eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian are
    1. $\pm E_0\sqrt{1+\alpha^2}$
    2. $\pm E_0\sqrt{1-\alpha^2}$
    3. $E_0$ (doubly degenerate)
    4. $E_0\left(1\pm\frac{1}{2}\alpha^2\right)$
  3. For a system of independent non-interacting one-dimensional oscillators, the value of the free energy per oscillator, in the limit $T\rightarrow0$, is
    1. $\frac{1}{2}\hbar\omega$
    2. $\hbar\omega$
    3. $\frac{3}{2}\hbar\omega$
    4. $0$
  4. If the reverse bias voltage of a silicon varactor is increased by a factor of 2, the corresponding transition capacitance
    1. increases by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$
    2. increases by a factor of $2$
    3. decreases by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$
    4. decreases by a factor of $2$
  5. A cavity contains black body radiation in equilibrium at temperature $T$. The specific heat per unit volume of the photon gas in the cavity is of the form $C_v = \gamma T^3$,where $\gamma$ is a constant. The cavity is expanded to twice its original volume and then allowed to equilibrate at the same temperature $T$. The new internal energy per unit volume is
    1. $4\gamma T^4$
    2. $2\gamma T^4$
    3. $\gamma T^4$
    4. $\gamma T^4/4$

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