Physics Resonance: Problem set 20 -->


Sunday 6 November 2016

Problem set 20

  1. Let $v$, $p$ and $E$ denote the speed, the magnitude of the momentum, and the energy of a free particle of rest mass $m$. Then
    1. $dE/dp=constant$
    2. $p=mv$
    3. $v=cp/\sqrt{p^2+m^2c^2}$
    4. $E=mc^2$
  2. A binary star system consists of two stars $S_1$ and $S_2$, with masses $m$ and $2m$, respectively, separated by a distance $r$. If both $S_1$ and $S_2$ individually follow circular orbits around the centre of mass with instantaneous speeds $V_1$ and $V_2$ respectively, the speeds ratio $V_1/V_2$ is
    1. $\sqrt{2}$
    2. 1
    3. 1/2
    4. 2
  3. Three charges are located on the circumference of a circle of radius $R$ as shown in the figure below. The two charges $Q$ subtend an angle $90^o$ at the centre of the circle. The charge $q$ is symmetrically placed with respect to the charges $Q$. If the electric field at the centre of the circle is zero, what is the magnitude of $Q$?
    1. $q/\sqrt{2}$
    2. $\sqrt{2}q$
    3. $2q$
    4. $2q$
  4. Consider a hollow charged shell of inner radius $a$ and outer radius $b$. The volume charge density is $\rho(r) =\frac{k}{r^2}$ ($k$ is a constant) in the region $a < r < b$. The magnitude of the electric field produced at distance $r > a$ is
    1. $\frac{k(b-a)}{\epsilon_0r^2}$ for all $r > a$
    2. $\frac{k(b-a)}{\epsilon_0r^2}$ for $a < r < b$ and $\frac{kb}{\epsilon_0r^2}$ for $r > b$
    3. $\frac{k(r-a)}{\epsilon_0r^2}$ for $a < r < b$ and $\frac{k(b-a)}{\epsilon_0r^2}$ for $r > b$
    4. $\frac{k(r-a)}{\epsilon_0a^2}$ for $a < r < b$ and $\frac{k(b-a)}{\epsilon_0a^2}$ for $r > b$
  5. Consider the interference of two coherent electromagnetic waves whose electric field vectors are given by $\vec E_1 = \hat i E_0 \cos{(\omega t+\phi)}$ and $\vec E_2 = \hat j E_0 \cos{(\omega t+\phi)}$ where $\phi$ is the phase difference. The intensity of the resulting wave is given by $\frac{\epsilon_0}{2}\left < E^2\right >$, where $\left < E^2\right > $ is the time average of $E^2$. The total intensity is
    1. $0$
    2. $\epsilon_0E_0^2$
    3. $\epsilon_0E_0^2\sin^2{\phi}$
    4. $\epsilon_0E_0^2\cos^2{\phi}$

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