Physics Resonance: Problem set 48 -->


Thursday 29 December 2016

Problem set 48

  1. State the following decay mode in the category of allowed, forbidden and Fermi or Gammow-Teller transition
    1. Fermi transition and allowed
    2. Fermi transition and second forbidden
    3. G-T transition and first forbidden
    4. G-T transition and allowed
  2. State the following decay mode in the category of allowed, forbidden and Fermi or Gammow-Teller transition
    1. Fermi transition and allowed
    2. Fermi transition and second forbidden
    3. G-T transition and allowed
    4. G-T transition and third forbidden
  3. The short wavelength cut-off of the continuous X-ray spectrum from a nickel target is 0.0825 nm. The voltage required to be applied to the X-ray tube must be:
    1. 0.15 kV
    2. 1.5 kV
    3. 15 kV
    4. 150 kV
  4. If the Planck's constant were to be zero, then the total energy contained in a box filled with radiation of all frequencies at temperature T would be (where $k$ is Boltzmann constant and $T\ne0$)
    1. zero
    2. infinite
    3. $\frac{3}{2}kT$
    4. $kT$
  5. The number of electrons per unit volume in metallic potassium is $1.33\times 10^{28}\: atoms/m^3$ and if each potassium atom donates one electron to the electron gas, its Fermi energy in eV is :
    1. 4.72
    2. 3.23
    3. 2.05
    4. 1.85

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