Physics Resonance: Problem set 40 -->


Wednesday 14 December 2016

Problem set 40

  1. If superconducting lead has critical temperature of 7.26 K at zero magnetic field and a critical field of $8\times10^5 A/m$ at 0K, the critical field at 5K is :
    1. $6.3\times 10^5 A/m$
    2. $2.5\times 10^5 A/m$
    3. $4.2\times 10^5 A/m$
    4. $1.5\times 10^5 A/m$
  2. The ratio of the sizes (in terms of radii) of $^{208}_{82}Pb$ and $^{26}_{12}Mg$ nuclei is approximately:
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. $2\sqrt{2}$
    4. 8
  3. What is the energy of a gamma radiation backscattered at an angle $180^o$, if the incident energy is 10 MeV?
    1. 10 MeV
    2. 5 MeV
    3. 0.511 MeV
    4. 0.25 MeV
  4. Ionisation chamber is effectively used for the measurement of :
    1. Radiation
    2. Radiation Dose
    3. strength of radiation
    4. Energy of radiation
  5. A satisfactory quenching gas in G.M. tube must have the following property:
    1. Ionisation potential should be equal to the main counting gas in the tube
    2. Ionisation potential should be higher than that of main counting gas in the tube
    3. It must have very narrow ultraviolet absorption bands
    4. When in excited state it must prefer to dissociate rather than to de-excite by the emission of photon

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