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Monday, 12 December 2016
Problem set 39
A state of a system with spherically symmetric potential has zero uncertainty in simultaneous measurement of operator $L_x$
and $L_y$. Which of the following statement is true?
The state must be $l=0$ state
Such a state can never exist as operators $L_x$ and $L_y$ do not commute
The state has $l=1$ with $m=0$
The state cannot be an eigenstate of $L^2$ operator
L_z\psi_{nlm}&=m\hbar\psi_{nlm} \text{ and } L^2\psi_{nlm}\\
$$\left < L_z \right > =m\hbar, \left < L_z^2 \right > =m^2\hbar^2$$
$$\text{ and } \left < L^2 \right > =l(l+1)\hbar^2$$
The state $\psi_{nlm}$ is symmetric in $x$ and $y$, so
\left < L_x^2 \right >&=\left < L_y^2 \right > \\
&=\frac{\left(\left < L^2 \right >-\left < L_z^2 \right >\right)}{2}\\
It can be verified that $\left < L_x \right >=\left < L_y \right >=0$. Using, $\Delta L_i=\sqrt{\left < L_i^2 \right >-\left < L_i \right >^2}$, we have
$$\Delta L_x=\Delta L_y=\sqrt{\frac{\left(l(l+1)-m^2\right)\hbar^2}{2}}$$
$$\Delta L_x\Delta L_y=\frac{\left(l(l+1)-m^2\right)\hbar^2}{2}$$
From this relation one can see that uncertainty relation will be zero when $l=0$ and henc, $m=0$.
Hence, answer is (A)
The wave function for identical fermions is antisymmetric under particle exchange. Which of the following is a consequence of
this property?
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Bohr correspondence principle
Bose-Einstein condensation
Pauli exclusion principle
(D) Pauli exclusion principle
The spin part of two electron wave function is described as a triplet state. The space part of the wave function is given by
($\psi_1$ and $\psi_2$ are two different functions):
Triplet state means $S=s_1+s_2=1$ and $M_s=-1,0,+1$.
For $M_s=-1$ we must have $m_{s1}=-\frac{1}{2}$ and $m_{s2}=-\frac{1}{2}$
For $M_s=0$ we must have either $m_{s1}=\frac{1}{2}$ and $m_{s2}=-\frac{1}{2}$ or $m_{s1}=-\frac{1}{2}$ and $m_{s2}=\frac{1}{2}$
For $M_s=+1$ we must have $m_{s1}=+\frac{1}{2}$ and $m_{s2}=+\frac{1}{2}$
Hence, we have three possible spin eigenfunctions
All these functions are symmetric. However, total wavefunction must be antisymmetric. Hence, space part must be antisymmetric.
Hence, answer is (B) i.e. $\psi_1(r_1)\psi_2(r_2)-\psi_2(r_1)\psi_1(r_2)$
A transition in which one photon is radiated by the electron in a hydrogen atom when the electron's wave function changes from $\psi_1$ to $\psi_2$ is forbidden if $\psi_1$ and $\psi_2$
A. FALSE: It's not related to the selection rules.
B. TRUE: If both initial and final states have spherically symmetrical wave functions, then they have the same angular momentum. $l = 0 \rightarrow l = 0$ is forbidden as $\Delta l=0$ in this case.
C. FALSE: In any transition, eigenstates should always be mutually orthogonal.
D. FALSE: Eigenstates zero at the center $\Rightarrow l> 0$ could change, for example from 3 to 2. This is allowed.
Hence, answer is (B)
The puzzle of magic numbers for nuclei was resolve by :
introducing hard-core potential
introducing Yukawa potential for shell model
introducing tensor character to nuclear force
introducing spin-orbit part in the nuclear potential
(D) introducing spin-orbit part in the nuclear potential
Good questions