Physics Resonance: Problem Set 37 -->


Thursday 8 December 2016

Problem Set 37

  1. The LS configurations of the ground state of $^{12}Mg$, $^{13}Al$, $^{17}Cl$ and $^{18}Ar$ are, respectively,
    1. $^3S_1$, $^2P_{1/2}$, $^2P_{1/2}$ and $^1S_{0}$
    2. $^3S_1$, $^2P_{3/2}$, $^2P_{3/2}$ and $^3S_{1}$
    3. $^1S_0$, $^2P_{1/2}$, $^2P_{3/2}$ and $^1S_{0}$
    4. $^1S_0$, $^2P_{3/2}$, $^2P_{1/2}$ and $^3S_{1}$
  2. The frequency dependent dielectric constant of a material is given by $$\epsilon(\omega)=1+\frac{A}{\omega_0^2-\omega^2-i\omega\gamma}$$ where $A$ is a positive constant, $\omega_0$ the resonant frequency and $\gamma$ the damping coefficient. For an electromagnetic wave of angular frequency $\omega < < \omega_0$, which of the following is true? (Assume that $\frac{\gamma}{\omega_0} < < 1$.)
    1. There is negligible absorption of the wave
    2. The wave propagation is highly dispersive
    3. There is strong absorption of the electromagnetic wave
    4. The group velocity and the phase velocity will have opposite sign
  3. The state diagram corresponding to the following circuit is
  4. Consider a random walker on a square lattice. At each step the walker moves to a nearest neighbour site with equal probability for each of the four sites. The walker starts at the origin and takes 3 steps. The probability that during this walk no site is visited more than once is
    1. 12/27
    2. 27/64
    3. 3/8
    4. 9/16
  5. A canonical transformation $(p,q)\rightarrow(P,Q)$ is performed on the Hamiltonian $H=\frac{1}{2m}p^2+\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2q^2$ via the generating function $F=\frac{1}{2}m\omega q^2\cot{Q}$. If $Q(0)=0$, which of the following graphs shows schematically the dependence of $Q(t)$ on $t$?

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