Physics Resonance: Problem set 90 -->


Friday 24 March 2017

Problem set 90

  1. A plane polarized EM wave of frequency $\omega$ is incident at an angle $\theta$ in a rectangular waveguide of resonant frequency $\omega_{mn}$. Then energy carried by the wave propagating inside the cavity will propagate with the group velocity of :
    1. $\frac{c}{\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{\omega_{mn}}{\omega}\right)^2}}$
    2. $c\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{\omega_{mn}}{\omega}\right)}$
    3. $\frac{c}{\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{\omega_{mn}}{\omega}\right)}}$
    4. $c\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{\omega_{mn}}{\omega}\right)^2}$
  2. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave propagating in the free space is given by : $\vec E(r,t)=E_0\hat z\cos{\left[200\sqrt{3}\pi x-200\pi y-\omega t\right]}$. Then the wave vector $\vec k$ is given by
    1. $200\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\pi\hat x-200\pi\hat y$
    2. $400\pi\left[\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\hat x-\frac{1}{2}\hat y\right]$
    3. $200\sqrt{3}\pi\hat x$
    4. $-200\pi\hat y$
  3. The Ampere's law in the free space takes the form:
    1. $\vec\nabla\times\vec B=\mu_0\vec J$
    2. $\vec\nabla\times\vec B=\mu_0\vec J+\epsilon_0\mu_0\frac{\partial\vec E}{\partial t}$
    3. $\vec\nabla\times\vec B=\epsilon_0\mu_0\frac{\partial\vec E}{\partial t}$
    4. $\vec\nabla\times\vec B=\mu_0\vec J-\epsilon_0\mu_0\frac{\partial\vec E}{\partial t}$
  4. An electric charge $+Q$ is placed at the center of a cube of sides 10 cm. The electric flux emanating from each of the face of the cube is :
    1. $\frac{Q}{\epsilon_0}$
    2. $\frac{Q}{10\epsilon_0}$
    3. $\frac{Q}{6\epsilon_0}$
    4. $\frac{10Q}{\epsilon_0}$
  5. A field at certain point in the space is expressed as the potential function $V=3x^2z-xy^3+z$. Then the potential $V$ at point $(2,-1,1)$ is :
    1. 15 V
    2. 13 V
    3. 0 V
    4. 8 V

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