Physics Resonance: Problem set 89 -->


Wednesday 22 March 2017

Problem set 89

  1. A particle is at rest in rotating frame of reference. The pseudoforce(s) acting on the particle is(are)
    1. None of these
    2. Only the Coriolis force
    3. only the centrifugal force
    4. both Coriolis force and centrifugal force
  2. A thin rigid rod of length $l$ is moving inside a sphere of radius $R(R>l)$ such that both of its ends are in contact with inner surface of the sphere. The degrees of freedom of the rod are:
    1. Four
    2. Three
    3. Two
    4. One
  3. For a system shown in figure given below, the Lagrangian function is given by : ($V=0$ at $y=0$)
    1. $L=M\dot y^2+Mgy$
    2. $L=\frac{1}{2}M\dot y^2+Mgy$
    3. $L=\frac{1}{2}M\dot y^2-Mg(y-x)$
    4. $L=M\dot y^2+Mg(y-x)$
  4. "Hamiltonian $H$ is not equal to the total energy $E$ (sum of kinetic and potential energies)", hold true for a system characterized with:
    1. conservative forces and time-independent constraints
    2. conservative forces and time-dependent constraints
    3. dissipative forces and time-independent constraints
    4. for every system irrespective of nature of forces and constraints
  5. A particle moves under the action of force $\vec F=-\frac{1}{r^n}\hat r$. The particle moves in a closed orbit if:
    1. n=-1 or n=2
    2. n=1 or n=-2
    3. n=-1 or n=-2
    4. n=1 or n=2

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