Physics Resonance: Problem set 84 -->


Sunday 12 March 2017

Problem set 84

  1. In the schematic figure given below, assume that the propagation delay of each logic gate is $t_{gate}$.
    The propagation delay of the circuit will be maximum when the logic inputs A and B make the transition
    1. $(0,1)\rightarrow(1,1)$
    2. $(1,1)\rightarrow(0,1)$
    3. $(0,0)\rightarrow(1,1)$
    4. $(0,0)\rightarrow(0,1)$
  2. Given the input voltage $V_i$, which of the following waveforms correctly represents the output voltage $V_0$ in the circuit shown below?
  3. In finding the roots of the polynomial $f(x)=3x^3-4x-5$ using the iterative Newton-Raphson method, the initial guess is taken to be $x=2$. In the next iteration its value is nearest to
    1. 1.671
    2. 1.656
    3. 1.559
    4. 1.551
  4. For a particle of energy $E$ and $P$ momentum (in a frame $F$), the rapidity $y$ is defined as $y=\frac{1}{2}\ln{\left(\frac{E+p_3c}{E-p_3c}\right)}$. In a frame $F'$ moving with velocity $v=(0,0,\beta c)$ with respect to $F$, the rapidity $y'$ will be
    1. $y'=y+\frac{1}{2}\ln{\left(1-\beta^2\right)}$
    2. $y'=y-\frac{1}{2}\ln{\left(\frac{1+\beta}{1-\beta}\right)}$
    3. $y'=y+\ln{\left(\frac{1+\beta}{1-\beta}\right)}$
    4. $y'=y+2\ln{\left(\frac{1+\beta}{1-\beta}\right)}$
  5. The partition function of a single gas molecule is $Z_\alpha$. The partition function of $N$ such non-interacting gas molecules is given by
    1. $\frac{(Z_\alpha)^N}{N!}$
    2. $(Z_\alpha)^N$
    3. $N(Z_\alpha)$
    4. $\frac{(Z_\alpha)^N}{N}$

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