Physics Resonance: Problem set 64 -->


Tuesday 31 January 2017

Problem set 64

  1. Consider the differential equation $\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}-3\frac{dx}{dt}+2x=0$. If $x=0$ at $t=0$ and $x=1$ at $t=1$, the value of $x$ at $t=2$ is
    1. $e^2+1$
    2. $e^2+e$
    3. $e+2$
    4. $2e$
  2. An electric dipole of moment $\vec P$ and length $l$ aligned along the $z$-axis is used to generate electromagnetic waves. Initially it was operated at frequency 10 MHz and its power along the equatorial plane at certain distance $d (d >> l)$ was measured as $P_1$. Later, the same dipole was operated at frequency 40 MHz and power $P_2$ was measured at the same point. How do you compare the two powers ?
    1. $P_2= 256 P_1$
    2. $P_2= 64 P_1$
    3. $P_2= 128 P_1$
    4. $P_2= 16 P_1$
  3. The number of fundamental vibrational modes of $CO_2$ molecule is :
    1. 4 : 2 Raman active and 2 IR active
    2. 4 : 1 Raman active and 3 IR active
    3. 3 : 1 Raman active and 2 IR active
    4. 3 : 2 Raman active and 1 IR active
  4. The $L$, $S$ and $J$ quantum numbers corresponding to the ground state electronic configuration of Boron $(z = 5)$ are :
    1. $L = 1$, $S = 1/2$, $J = 3/2$
    2. $L = 1$, $S = 1/2$, $J = 1/2$
    3. $L = 1$, $S = 3/2$, $J = 1/2$
    4. $L = 0$, $S = 3/2$, $J = 3/2$
  5. What are the expected types of gamma ray transitions between the following states of odd ‘A’ nuclei : $$g_{9/2}\rightarrow P_{1/2}$$
    1. M4 and E5
    2. M1 and E2
    3. M3 and E4
    4. M6 and E7

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