Physics Resonance: Problem set 60 -->


Monday 23 January 2017

Problem set 60

  1. A beam of unpolarized light in a medium with dielectric constant $\epsilon_1$ is reflected from a plane interface formed with another medium of dielectric constant $\epsilon_2=3\epsilon_1$. The two media have identical magnetic permeability. If the angle of incidence is $60^0$, then the reflected light
    1. is plane polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence
    2. is plane polarized parallel to the plane of incidence
    3. is circularly polarized
    4. has the same polarization as the incident light
  2. The partition function of a system of $N$ Ising spins is $Z=\lambda_1^N+\lambda_2^N$, where $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ are functions of temperature, but are independent of $N$. If $\lambda_1 > \lambda_2$, the free energy per spin in the limit $N\rightarrow\infty$ is
    1. $-k_BT\ln{\left(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2}\right)}$
    2. $-k_BT\ln{\lambda_2}$
    3. $-k_BT\ln{\left(\lambda_1\lambda_2\right)}$
    4. $-k_BT\ln{\lambda_1}$
  3. The Hamiltonian of a system of $N$ non-interacting spin-1/2 particles is $H=-\mu_0B\sum_iS_i^z$, where $S_i^z=\pm1$ are the components of $i^{th}$ spin along an external magnetic field $B$. At a temperature $T$ such that $e^{\mu_0B/k_BT}=2$, the specific heat per particle is
    1. $\frac{16}{25}k_B$
    2. $\frac{8}{25}k_B\ln2$
    3. $k_B\left(\ln2\right)^2$
    4. $\frac{16}{25}k_B\left(\ln2\right)^2$
  4. The ground state energy of a particle in the potential $V(x)=g|x|$, estimated using the trial wavefunction $$\psi(x)= \begin{cases} \sqrt{\frac{c}{a^5}}(a^2-x^2),\quad x < |a|\\ 0,\quad x\ge|a| \end{cases} $$ (where $g$ and $c$ are constants) is
    1. $\frac{15}{16}\left(\frac{\hbar^2g^2}{m}\right)^{1/3}$
    2. $\frac{5}{6}\left(\frac{\hbar^2g^2}{m}\right)^{1/3}$
    3. $\frac{3}{4}\left(\frac{\hbar^2g^2}{m}\right)^{1/3}$
    4. $\frac{7}{8}\left(\frac{\hbar^2g^2}{m}\right)^{1/3}$
  5. A hydrogen atom is subjected to the perturbation $V_{pert}(\vec r)=\epsilon\cos{\left(2r/a_0\right)}$, where $a_0$ is the Bohr radius. The change in the ground state energy to first order in $\epsilon$ is
    1. $\epsilon/4$
    2. $\epsilon/2$
    3. $-\epsilon/2$
    4. $-\epsilon/4$

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