Physics Resonance: Problem set 56 -->


Sunday 15 January 2017

Problem set 56

  1. A system of $N$ distinguishable particles, each of which can be in one of the two energy levels $0$ and $\epsilon$, has a total energy $n\epsilon$, where $n$ is an integer. The entropy of the system is proportional to
    1. $N \ln{n}$
    2. $n \ln{N}$
    3. $\ln{\frac{N!}{n!}}$
    4. $\ln{\left(\frac{N!}{n!(N-n)!}\right)}$
  2. The wavefunction of a particle in one-dimension is denoted by $\psi(x)$ in the coordinate representation and $\phi(p)=\int \psi(x) e^{-ipx/\hbar}\:dx$ in the momentum representation. If the action of an operator $\hat T$ on $\psi(x)$ is given by $\hat T\psi(x)=\psi(x+a)$, where $a$ is constant, then $\hat T\phi(p)$ is given by
    1. $-\frac{i}{\hbar}ap\phi(p)$
    2. $e^{-iap/\hbar}\phi(p)$
    3. $e^{+iap/\hbar}\phi(p)$
    4. $\left(1+\frac{i}{\hbar}ap\right)\phi(p)$
  3. A proton moves with a speed of 300m/s in a circular orbit in the xy-plane in a magnetic 1 tesla along the positive z-direction. When an electric field of 1 V/m is applied along the positive y-direction, the center of the circular orbit
    1. remains stationary
    2. moves at 1 m/s along the negative x-direction
    3. moves at 1 m/s along the positive z-direction
    4. moves at 1 m/s along the positive x-direction
  4. Suppose the yz-plane forms a chargeless boundary between two media of permittivities $\epsilon_{left}$ and $\epsilon_{right}$ where $\epsilon_{left}:\epsilon_{right}=1:2$. If the uniform electric field on the left is $\vec E_{left}=c\left(\hat i+\hat j+\hat k\right)$ (where $c$ is constant), then the electric field on the right $\vec E_{right}$ is
    1. $c\left(2\hat i+\hat j+\hat k\right)$
    2. $c\left(\hat i+2\hat j+2\hat k\right)$
    3. $c\left(\frac{1}{2}\hat i+\hat j+\hat k\right)$
    4. $c\left(\hat i+\frac{1}{2}\hat j+\frac{1}{2}\hat k\right)$
  5. A particle of mass $2\: kg$ is moving such that at time $t$, its position, in metre, is given by $\vec r(t) = 5\hat i- 2t^2\hat j$. The angular momentum of the particle at $t = 2\: s$ about the origin, in $kg\: m^2\: s^{-1}$, is
    1. $-40\hat k$
    2. $-80\hat k$
    3. $80\hat k$
    4. $40\hat k$

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