Physics Resonance: Problem set 73 -->


Saturday 18 February 2017

Problem set 73

  1. For the logic circuit given below, the decimal count sequence and the modulus of the circuit corresponding to A B C D are (here, J=K=1 locked)
    1. $8\rightarrow4\rightarrow2\rightarrow1\rightarrow9\rightarrow5$ (mod 6)
    2. $8\rightarrow4\rightarrow2\rightarrow9\rightarrow5\rightarrow3$ (mod 6)
    3. $2\rightarrow5\rightarrow9\rightarrow1\rightarrow3$ (mod 5)
    4. $8\rightarrow5\rightarrow1\rightarrow3\rightarrow7$ (mod 5)
  2. The low-energy electronic excitations in a two-dimensional sheet of graphene is given by $E(\vec k)=\hbar v k$, where $v$ is the velocity of the excitations. The density of states is proportional to
    1. $E$
    2. $E^{3/2}$
    3. $E^{1/2}$
    4. $E^{2}$
  3. X-ray of wavelength $\lambda=a$ is reflected from $(111)$ plane of a simple cubic lattice. If the lattice constant is $a$, the corresponding Bragg angle (in radian) is
    1. $\pi/6$
    2. $\pi/4$
    3. $\pi/3$
    4. $\pi/8$
  4. Let us approximate the nuclear potential in the shell model by a three dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator. Since the lowest two energy levels have angular momenta $l=0$ and $l=1$ respectively, which of the following two nuclei have magic numbers of protons and neutrons?
    1. $_2^4He$ and $_8^{16}O$
    2. $_1^2D$ and $_4^{8}Be$
    3. $_2^4He$ and $_4^{8}Be$
    4. $_2^4He$ and $_6^{12}C$
  5. The reaction $^2_1D+^2_1D\rightarrow ^4_2He+\pi^0$ cannot proceed via strong interactions because it violets the conservation of
    1. angular momentum
    2. electric charge
    3. baryon number
    4. isospin

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