Physics Resonance: Problem set 68 -->


Wednesday 8 February 2017

Problem set 68

  1. In a counting experiment to determine the statistics obeyed by the $\beta$ particles emitted by a radioactive substance, the number of $\beta$ particles counted in 50 seconds time interval was repeatedly measured 100 times. The statistical ensemble in this case consists of the following number of members:
    1. 50
    2. 100
    3. 5000
    4. 2
  2. NaI(Tl) scintillation detector is used only for the detection of gamma radiation because
    1. it has large scattering cross-section
    2. it has small Comption scattering
    3. it has small absorption cross-section
    4. it has large absorption cross-section
  3. Consider the elastic vibrations of a crystal with two atoms per primitive cell having masses $m$ and $M$ $(M > m)$. Using dispersion relation between the angular frequency $(\omega)$ and wave vector $(K)$, find the frequency for acoustic branch at $K=0$:
    1. $\omega=Ka\left(\frac{2C}{m+M}\right)^{1/2}$
    2. $\omega=2Ka\left(\frac{2C}{m+M}\right)^{1/2}$
    3. $\omega=\frac{1}{2}Ka\left(\frac{2C}{m+M}\right)^{1/2}$
    4. $\omega=\frac{1}{2}Ka\left(\frac{2C}{M}\right)^{1/2}$
  4. In nuclear direct reactions, time of interaction is of the order of :
    1. $10^{-10}$ sec
    2. $10^{-16}$ sec
    3. $10^{-22}$ sec
    4. $10^{-30}$ sec
  5. The following decay states a conservation law that forbids it because: $$n\rightarrow p+e^-$$
    1. conservation of angular momentum and conservation of Lepton numbers are both violated
    2. conservation of baryon number and conservation of Lepton number are both violated
    3. conservation of energy is violated
    4. conservation of electric charge is violated

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