Physics Resonance: Problem set 94 -->


Friday 28 April 2017

Problem set 94

  1. The energy density for photons in a cavity is proportional to
    1. $T^3$
    2. $T$
    3. $T^4$
    4. $T^{4/3}$
  2. Let $\rho$ be the density matrix for a system. Then
    1. $Tr(\rho)=0$
    2. $Tr(\rho) < 0$
    3. $0\leq Tr(\rho) < 1$
    4. $Tr(\rho)=1$
  3. A system has only two energy levels $E_1$ and $E_2$. In equilibrium at temperature $T$, the number of particles occupying level $E_1$ is double of those occupying level $E_2$. The value of $E_2-E_1$ must be ($k$ is Boltzmann constant):
    1. $kT\ln2$
    2. $kT\ln3$
    3. $3kT$
    4. $2kT$
  4. The quantities (i) isothermal compressibility (ii) volume coefficient of expansion are :
    1. Extensive and intensive respectively
    2. Intensive and extensive respectively
    3. Both extensive
    4. Both intensive
  5. The chemical potential in classical limit is:
    1. Zero
    2. Negative
    3. Positive
    4. Complex quantity

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