Physics Resonance: Problem set 92 -->


Tuesday 25 April 2017

Problem set 92

  1. Given $[x_i,P_j]=i\hbar\delta_{ij}$, $i,j=1,2,3$. $[x_1,P_2^2]$ is:
    1. 0
    2. $i\hbar P_2$
    3. $2x_1$
    4. $2P_2$
  2. Which of the following is an eigen state of square of linear momentum operator $P_x^2$?
    1. $Ax^2$
    2. $A\left(\sin{kx}+\cos{kx}\right)$
    3. $Ae^{-\alpha x^2}$
    4. $A\sin^2{kx}$
  3. The electron in a hydrogen atom is in a superposition state described by the wavefunction $\psi(\vec r)=A\left[4\psi_{100}(\vec r)-2\psi_{211}(\vec r)+\sqrt{6}\psi_{210}(\vec r)-\sqrt{10}\psi_{21-1}(\vec r)\right]$, $\psi_{nlm}(\vec r)$ normalized wave function. The value of normalization constant, $A$, is:
    1. $\frac{1}{3}$
    2. $\frac{1}{6}$
    3. $6$
    4. $36$
  4. Two coherent light sources of intensities I and 9I are used in an interference experiment. The resultant intensity at points where the waves from the two sources with phase difference $\pi$ is :
    1. 16I
    2. 9I
    3. 4I
    4. zero
  5. Non-relativistic hydrogen atom spectrum is proportional to $-1/n^2$. The degeneracy of $n^{th}$ level is:
    1. $n$
    2. $2n+1$
    3. $n^2$
    4. $1/n^2$

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