Physics Resonance: Problem set 93 -->


Thursday 27 April 2017

Problem set 93

  1. Uncertainty relation holds between :
    1. Time and space
    2. Life time and energy
    3. Position and energy
    4. Momentum and energy
  2. Addition of angular momentum $j_1=1$ and $j_2=\frac{1}{2}$ will result in 6 states, of which the number of linearly independent states with magnetic number $m=-\frac{1}{2}$ is :
    1. zero
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 2
  3. In a scattering event by a spherical symmetric potential, only P-wave scattering occurs. The angular distribution of differential cross-section is proportional to :
    1. constant
    2. $\cos\theta$
    3. $\cos^2{\theta}$
    4. $a+\sin\theta$
  4. If energy of a two-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator $E=\frac{p_x^2}{2m}+\frac{p_y^2}{2m}+\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2(x^2+y^2)$ is fixed to be $3\hbar\omega$, the entropy is given by ($k_B$ is Boltzmann constant):
    1. $k_B\ln3$
    2. $2k_B\ln3$
    3. $k_B\ln2$
    4. zero
  5. The equation of state for photon gas is:
    1. $pV=\frac{5}{3}E$
    2. $pV=\frac{2}{3}E$
    3. $pV=\frac{1}{3}E$
    4. $pV=\hbar\omega$ for some fixed frequency $\omega$

1 comment :

  1. hello sir,
    in problem set 93, when I want to see solutions, I click on ans button but I unable to see the solutions
